Sunday, 7 August 2011

elbow, an obsession of sorts...

Guy Garvey, elbow [live @ The Palace, Melbourne July 27, 2011
Photo by C. Berrisford

A couple of weeks ago I saw elbow live in Melbourne.



Guy Garvey. Sigh.

His lyrics leave me in wonder. And in love with language, life and my Mr Right.

[and with Guy. Just a little... Shhh]

For example...

Dear friends
You are angels and drunks

You are magi

Old friends
You stuck a pin in a map I was in
And you are the stars I navigate home by...

Dear Friends, Build a Rocket Boys! elbow 2011

You know you drive me up the wall

I need to see your face that's all
You little sod, I love your eyes

Be everything to me tonight...

Station Approach, Leaders of the Free World, elbow 2005

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